We take pride in the active involvement of parents at St. Ann’s Academy. As parents, we have the unique opportunity to engage in ways that enhance the quality of education and foster a stronger sense of community. Our participation reflects our commitment to our children’s education and our investment in the school’s environment. Additionally, our involvement serves as a testament to our children about their importance to us and exemplifies the value of service to others.

All parents of students at St. Ann’s Academy are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings. Our monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 in the cafeteria. We welcome your participation in discussions and decisions that impact our school. Parents are also invited to attend sporting events, games, fundraising activities, dances (as chaperones), Mass, seminars sponsored by SAAPSG, and Teacher/Student/Parent Conferences, among other events.

Please join us at a meeting, share your ideas, and help us to offer the very best support we can to St. Ann’s Academy students and families.

We can be contacted through our email (saapsg1880@gmail.com) or the school.

2024 – 2025 Parent Support Group Executive

Chairperson:  Mrs. Jessica Chardon

Vice Chairperson: Jenna Munroe

Secretary:  Mrs. Tara Nadalin

Treasurer:  Mrs. Anne Bruneau

Fundraising Organizer: Rosie Caputo

Volunteering Coordinator: Rosie Caputo

Classroom Reps Still Needed for Grades: K, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, & 12 – this is a great way to earn your PPP Hours!

What is the St. Ann’s Academy Parent Support Group?

The  St. Ann’s Academy Parent Support Group (or SAA PSG as it is known) is an active group that represents all the parents and guardians of registered children. Our main role is to support the school community and its programs.  The St. Ann’s Academy Parent Support Group works to raise funds for the enhancement of our school and to encourage involvement in fun events. The funds raised by them allow us to provide materials and opportunities to help our students and ease the cost to our families.

The PSG is not just about raising money, it also creates a community within the school.  A few events throughout the year that we may sponsor or help sponsor include: the Welcome Back to School ice cream bar for all families, the Christmas Bazaar, Paint Nights, and teacher appreciation functions.

Who is part of the St. Ann’s Academy Parent Support Group?

All Parents and guardians of students at St. Ann’s are voting members of SAA PSG.  So you are a voting member of PSG and can attend our monthly meetings. We highly encourage your attendance! There are a few parent volunteers that make up the SAA PSG executive: These are the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Gaming Officer and Fund Raising Coordinator.  They all have 2-year terms, and then need to run for re-election.

What is a PSG meeting like?

PSG meets for one hour at 6:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month in the St. Ann’s meeting room.  Meetings are only from Sept to June or while school is in session.  This meeting provides updates regarding upcoming organized events and how we are spending our approximately twenty thousand dollar annual budget.  We also brainstorm to increase our current fundraising initiatives and/or try new fundraisers.  At this meeting, everyone has a voice and a vote regarding spend and initiatives. Current initiatives include providing money for student scholarships, extracurricular activities like intramural sports, backing club, chess club, year-end trips, music, busing for events and many more. We occasionally take on capital projects such as raising the funds for our beautiful new playground.

PSG and Parent Participation Hours?

As most of you know, at St. Ann’s, all families are required to complete their parent participation hours.  By attending a PSG meeting or volunteering at any of our fundraising and/or community-building events, you receive one PP Hour for every hour your family helps out.  Plus you have fun!

Are you interested in attending a meeting or finding out more about PSG?

We encourage everyone to attend a meeting to better understand what we do.  You can also find out more about PSG and our meetings on the St. Ann’s website under the Parents section.  Our monthly minutes are posted there. Finally, the executives are also available to answer any questions through email at saapsg1880@gmail.com or in person if we see you at the school or an event.  Feel free to ask us any questions.



    Don’t miss out on this tasty way to support our school community! Tag your friends, spread the word, and let’s make this a huge success! 


    Parent Support Group Meeting Minutes


    Feb 5 2025 PSG Meeting minutes




























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