Catholic Education

What your child can expect for their Catholic Experience at St. Ann’s
- Each school day begins and ends with prayer, led by a student or staff member
- Weekly religious instruction
- Assistance with sacramental preparation for First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation
- Whole school Masses are celebrated throughout the year
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered 3 times a year
- Individual classes have prayer services in our beautiful Chapel monthly
- A broad range of service opportunities for children of all ages
The Sacrament of Baptism
In Catholic schools, many children are already baptized and their journey into Catholic life continues with the support of their family, parish, and school. The church prepares these children to receive sacraments as they grow up. For children who were not baptized as infants, they can still be baptized with the consent of at least one parent before turning 7. However, after the age of 7, the process of becoming a Catholic takes longer and requires more preparation. This process is called the Rite of Christian Initiation, which is adapted for children. The good news is that the Church welcomes new members at all ages. Everyone is invited to become part of God’s family.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist
The Eucharist is a special ceremony in Christianity that represents the ultimate act of love by Jesus Christ. It is a way for us to connect with God and feel closer to Him. The ceremony is a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice, where he gave his life to free humanity from the burden of sin and give us the freedom to live like children of God. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the only Sacrament of Initiation that Catholics celebrate again and again (after preparation for and first reception of the sacrament).
Children who have been baptized and have gone through the process of preparing for their First Reconciliation can participate in their First Eucharist. Usually, children who have reached the age of discernment (around 7 years old) are ready for this ceremony. To prepare for the Eucharist, parents, sponsors, and the child or youth must participate in the process of preparation provided by their local church. This will help them understand the meaning of the ceremony and feel more connected to God during this special event.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation deepens the grace received at Baptism, and like Baptism, we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation only once. Confirmation strengthens us to live as Christ’s followers. Through Confirmation, we become more Christ-like and are strengthened to be active witnesses of Jesus. Our relationship with the Church is strengthened as well; we are sent forth to live our faith in the world. Those who have prepared to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, called candidates, are usually confirmed by a bishop during the celebration of the sacrament.
At St. Ann’s Academy, students are encouraged to perform acts of service that align with our Catholic faith. We believe that serving others is an essential part of our faith and that it helps students develop a sense of empathy and compassion. Our students participate in a broad range of service opportunities, including organizing local food drives, preparing monthly breakfasts for the needy, and participating in fundraisers for charity.

The students also perform 15 hours of community service each term, which can be completed throughout our community and school. By engaging in these acts of service, our students develop a deeper understanding of their faith and a greater sense of responsibility to their community. We are proud of our student’s commitment to service and their dedication to living out the values of our Catholic faith.
St. Ann’s Academy is grateful for the prayerful support of local parishes under the leadership and guidance of Bishop Joseph P. Nguyen, Diocese of Kamloops
Sacred Heart Cathedral
255 Nicola Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2P3
Holy Family Parish
2797 Sunset Drive, Kamloops, BC V2C 4K7
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
635 Tranquille Road, Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5
St. John Vianney Parish
2826 Bank Road, Kamloops, BC V2B 8E5