Families who are interested in having their child(ren) ride the SAA school bus are welcome to complete the bus registration and bus behaviour expectations forms below.

Bus Behaviour Expectations


For detailed information, including bus times and locations, please see the route details.

South Shore Bus Route Morning 2024-2025  ***Updated September 3, 2024***

South Shore Bus Route Afternoon 2024-2025  ***Updated September 3, 2024***

North Shore Bus Route Morning 2024-2025***Updated September 3, 2024***

North Shore Bus Route Afternoon 2024-2025***Updated September 3, 2024***


Information related to bus fees is as follows:

  • The school bus fee is $75.00 per month per student to a maximum of $200.00 per family.   Bus Fees are payable to St. Ann’s Academy.
  • Daily bus passes are $7.50 per trip and are available from the school office.  Please note that the South Shore bus is currently at Capacity and Day Passes can not be issued at this time


School Bus Safety and Behavior Regulations

1)      Conduct must be orderly at all times.  Shoving and/or pushing will not be permitted.

2)      There is to be no moving around on the buses while the buses are in motion.  Students shall take seats assigned to them by the bus driver when told to do so.

3)      Students must remain in their seats until the bus comes to a complete stop.

4)      Students are not to put heads and/or arms out open windows.  Eating on the buses is not permitted without the permission of the driver.

5)      Students are to refrain from throwing articles.  Snowballs must not be thrown in bus stop areas.  Paper or other articles are not to be thrown from bus windows.

6)      Students are to refrain from talking to the driver while the bus is in motion.

7)      While talking among students is permitted, there is to be no undue noise.

8)      Students waiting to embark on the bus must line up for the bus as instructed by the driver.

9)      Students must remain on the sidewalk and not on the road while waiting for the bus.

10)  When getting off the school bus, students must obey the following rules:

 a)      Students living to the right-hand side of the bus must wait for the bus to move away before proceeding on home.

 b)      Students living to the left-hand side of the bus and who must cross the road, are to cross the road in front of the bus.  All students are to stop in front of the school bus in one group, look right and left for oncoming traffic, then proceed across the road only when it is safe to do so.

 c)      Because of the changing conditions of areas and traffic, students must obey the instructions of the bus driver in the interests of student safety.

 11)   A note from the parents must be submitted to the bus driver in cases where a student who normally rides the bus does not intend to go home by bus.

12)  Drivers shall report all vehicle accidents to the Principal and the police as soon as possible.

13)  Drivers shall report all student accidents to the Principal.

14)  Students must obey the instructions of the bus drivers and may be refused a ride on the bus as a result of improper conduct.  All cases of misbehavior on the school bus shall be reported by the driver to the Principal.  The Principal will contact the parents.  This may result in suspension from riding the school bus.

15)  Any willful damage to a bus by a student must be paid for by the student or his/her parents under Article II of the Rules and Regulations of the School Act.

16)  Students are not permitted to smoke on the school bus.

17)  When students want to get off the school bus at a stop other than their regular stop, they must have a note from home informing the driver of this change.

18)  For safety reasons, the Motor Vehicle Branch recommends that extraneous objects such as skateboards, hockey sticks, etc, not be permitted on school busses.

19)  Failure to comply with any of the above rules may result in a discipline notice being given to the student, the parents, and the Administration.  A second offence may result in a suspension of bus privileges.  A third offense may mean expulsion from all bus privileges.

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