St. Ann’s Annual Christmas Bazaar

November 23rd, 12:00 – 3:00

We Are Seeking Volunteers for Coordinator Roles

  • Set-up and take down ~ 10 hours – Friday night and Saturday following the event
  • White elephant sale ~ 6 hours – collect items for sale and oversee sale during event
  • Silent auction coordinator – campaign local businesses to donate auction items
  • Games coordination (2 people) ~ 4 hours – oversee games during event
  • 50/50 booth (2 people) ~ 4 hours – ticket sales during event

Approximately 50 Volunteers Will Be Needed for the Event

  • Set up and/or take down
  • Tea room kitchen helpers
  • Games ticket sales
  • Parking
  • Raffle basket assembly
  • Ice cream and popcorn

White Elephant Sale

Do you have any good quality used items around the house that you would like to get rid of? Please consider donating them to the White Elephant Sale. More details to come.

Seeking New Carnival Games

Some of our carnival games are getting worn out. If you’re someone who is creative and good at building things, please consider volunteering some time to build a new game.

More information will be sent out closer to the event

Please Sign Up Here if you would like to volunteer

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